All events take place at Hamilton artists Inc, unless otherwise noted. venue capacity is limited so registration is required for all events.

Acting for the Camera with Tony Nappo

friday december 8 | 10:00am-5:00pm

"Tony is the very embodiment of the ethos that everyone should bring their authentic self to the table when reading for roles. And he understands that doing anything else would be disingenuous and antithetical to finding the essence of a role. In simpler terms, he's figured out how to book the part. I recommend hearing what he has to say." - Jason Knight, CSA, Casting Director

Raising the Stakes in Your Work with Alicia Elliot

saturday DECEMBER 9 | 10:00am-12:00PM

For readers to keep reading our work instead of doing all the other things they could be doing, we as writers need to give them a reason to. That reason comes in the form of stakes: essentially, the answer to the question, "Okay, you've set up and explained the situation to me. But so what?" Alicia will be explaining stakes and giving examples that hopefully will help each writer understand their importance, and give them something concrete to think about when approaching their own work.

Magical Hand Gestures of Ancient India with Deepti Gupta

saturday december 9 | 1:00-4:00pm

The workshop is an introduction to the ancient Indian art of Mudras and Hand Gestures. These gestures have been used for thousands of years to tell stories from the sacred to the mundane, to embody characters, express emotions and much more. Participants will learn how to use their hands to create mudras and gestures along with names of gestures from ancient Indian texts on drama. They will learn how to tell a short story in a traditional Indian format and also how to adapt gestures to contemporary storytelling and acting.

Working the Festivals with Andre Sills

sunday december 10 | 10:00am-12:00pm

Join Andre for an informal chat about working at the Stratford and Shaw Festivals. Andre will draw on his experience of nine seasons at Stratford and four at the Shaw, both as an actor and director, to help artists understand how to work within the machine that is the repertory festival. Bring your questions and your coffee mug to learn everything from auditioning to rehearsing to surviving the festival life.

Drag Makeup with Hexe Noire

sunDAY december 10 | 1:00-4:00pm

Sashay into the fierce, often glamorous, and always fabulous world of a drag queen. Join local drag queen and makeup artist Hexe Noire for an afternoon of drag makeup extravaganza. Come learn the basics of drag queen makeup, from blocking brows, applying lashes, and adding the sparkle to make the whole fantasy come alive. No makeup experience is needed for this class. This event is open to anyone who wants to give drag queen makeup a try for the day or to learn some new skills that can be utilized to experiment at home.